Approximately 99% of women worldwide, regardless of economic status, end their unwanted pregnancies using the abortion pill.
It is affordable, highly effective, straightforward, and induces abortion in a controlled manner that mimics how the body naturally experiences a miscarriage.
Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering your options? We are here to support you through this challenging time. Reach out to us now for compassionate assistance. Call or WhatsApp +27 61 067 8310 today.
If you’ve made the decision to end your pregnancy, do not postpone the procedure for even a single day. The embryo does not understand your decision, and every day you hesitate, it continues to develop. Taking timely action is crucial for your well-being.
In South Africa, termination of pregnancy is legal between 1 and 20 weeks. However, it is advisable to terminate an unwanted pregnancy as early as possible. If you choose to do it early, you will likely only see blood and clots. Waiting longer may result in seeing a fetus.
Do You Want to Terminate? Call or Email Now!
Email: or Call or Whatsapp: +27 61 067 8310
In the following pages, we will address the most common questions about medical abortion, also known as abortion with a pill. Simply click on the links in the table of contents to find the answers you need. If you require quick and safe assistance with terminating an unwanted pregnancy, please contact us at +27 61 067 8310.
Dr Rene without your assistance I would be out of school. I would be a child mother and the future would be a bleak one. With your assistance I was able to terminate safely. I am now OK and back to school. Thank you very much.Malebo – Cresta
This is a challenging time for you, and we understand that. The termination of a pregnancy is a difficult and traumatic experience for everyone. We do not want to make it harder for you.
Terminating a pregnancy early is a straightforward and swift process.
Early termination of pregnancy is not complicated if done with a pill or surgically. It passes quickly and safely. No woman experiences problems when terminating an early pregnancy in the proper way.
Choosing a pill for your abortion offers a safe, cost-effective, and straightforward solution that you can trust. Call or Whatsapp: +27 61 067 8310
Our Staff will Assist You
Everything will be alright. This too shall pass. Dr. Rene and her entire staff will support you during this challenging time, and it will all eventually come to an end.
I am here to support you during this challenging time – safely, quickly, and affordably. We do not judge anyone.
The staff at Women’s Choice do not ask uncomfortable questions, and the entire process is private. We do not share information with anyone. The whole process is conducted anonymously.
Is Termination Safe?
Termination of pregnancy is VERY SAFE. It is actually safer than giving birth at full term. But you have to do it either medically or surgically. Do NOT try any other option.
Termination done with abortion pills is extremely safe. It will not affect you at all.
You will quickly get your body back and you will be up and running less the pregnancy.
With gratitude I write this small note. Thanks a great deal for all the assistance you accorded me during my difficult time. I have my body back less the pregnancy and am happy. It was difficult decision but one I had to take. May I say again thank you.Belinda – Centurion
When to have an Abortion
As soon as you know you are pregnant and you do not want to go through with the pregnancy to term, that is the right time terminate.
It can be as early as 1 week.
Remember the law in South Africa allows termination from 1 week but not beyond 20 weeks.
So do not delay. Decide early or time will decide for you. After 5 months you may struggle to get help.
You should also know the earlier you do it the cheaper for you. If you delay it becomes expensive.
Early termination is also good as you do not see much other than your menstrual cycle. If you delay you may see things you do not want to see.
If you need help WhatsApp +27 61 067 8310 now for immediate assistance.
What do I do before the Abortion?
Confirm pregnancy by testing. The cheapest test is done using test kits available done in most pharmacies. This is the cheapest way to know whether you are pregnant or not.

The best pregnancy test kit is called Clearblue. It is available in Dischem, Clicks and big supermarkets at the money counter. Get the digital one that shows days and weeks of pregnancy.
It prints on the screen Pregnant or Not Pregnant. You do not miss the results.
Cheapest and Safest Abortion Method – Termination Pill (Medical Termination of Pregnancy)
Abortion Pills for Women
Abortion with a pill is the cheapest, commonest and safest abortion method. The pill abortion method is most effective when the pregnancy is early.
It is the cheapest and safest method to terminate an early pregnancy because there is no direct doctor intervention.
You are given pills by the doctor and the pills induce your menstrual cycle and you pass the pregnancy tissue with your menstrual cycle and you are done.
This process is QUICK, VERY SAFE, AND EFFECTIVE. It is the most used termination method in South Africa, because it is affordable available through out the country.
When and where is Abortion with a Pill available?
The abortion pill is available from us all you have to do is to get hold of us on (call or whatsapp) +27 61 067 8310.
A medical abortion (abortion with a pill) is available to women who are less than 16 weeks pregnant from the first day of their last period. We serve the whole of South Africa. Our details are on the page and we shall assist you.
Medical Termination of pregnancy with a pill is very safe and effective.
But you can not get abortion (miscarriage) pills over the counter. We shall help you get the right pills for a miscarriage.
The right abortion pills have the wording ‘Searle’ on them.
Is Abortion with a Pill Safe?
It is extremely safe and the few problems that may occur can be dealt with easily and quickly.
Pills do not kill any one. They are very safe.
I can not recommend you more to any one who needs my kind of help. I received the meds, followed the instructions and it started and ended. I am OK today thanks to your honesty and professionalism.Celina – Cape Town
How is Abortion with a Pill Done?
You are given termination medicine to take orally by the clinician.
This is the medication that empties your uterus.
You will probably start to have strong cramps and bleeding, similar to a heavy period.
Pain medicine or a heating pad can help with the cramps. You may also have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, or feel tired. All these are normal side effects and they go away.
In some very rare situations the abortion may not happen immediately. You will have to wait a bit. There is no need to panic.
If it does not happen at all in some rear situation you will need to take another dose of medicine after a week.
How effective is Abortion with a Pill?
It is recommended by the World Health Organization therefore very effective method to end a pregnancy.
If you go to all public hospitals in South Africa, it is the commonest method of termination.
Abortion with a Pill otherwise Medical abortion works in 90% of women. This is a very high percentage.
This means that medical abortion fails in only 1 of 10 women. It succeeds in 9 out of 10 women. This is an extremely success rate and therefore chances are very high that you will terminate using medical abortion.
Pills are very effective and very safe. No person dies from using abortion pills. They extremely safe.
Does Abortion with a Pill Affect My Future Pregnancies?
Not at all. The medication has no impact on your fertility. The medication does the termination and it leaves your body intact.
You will be healthy and up and running soon. You can also fall pregnant soon again.
I messed up and my marriage was crumbling. Without your assistance it would all be gone by now. Am grateful for you being there during my deepest hour of need. Thank you.Noluthando – PE
Do You Want to Terminate? Call or Email Now!
Email: or Call or Whatsapp: +27 61 067 8310
Termination of Pregnancy Pill – 1 week to 4 months Pregnant Abortion Pill
Abortion Pills remain the same regardless of when you terminate.
The dose will increase should you wait for weeks to roll by. So the earlier you terminate the better.
The dose that works defers from woman to woman. Some women take only two pills and it is enough and others take ten. It is difficult to know what will be enough for you and not more than enough.
One thing is that pills for termination are very safe and effective in over 90% of women. This is a very big percentage.
Pills are also cheap. Pills are life savers. Without pills many women would perform dangerous abortions.
Because if women are determined to end a pregnancy they do all kinds of things. But please avoid taking anything other than the correct abortion pills and you are sure to be safe and also you will terminate your pregnancy safely.
Will I get Abortion Pills at a Pharmacy? Abortion Pill at Clicks or Dischem
NO pharmacy will get you abortion pills. You will not get them at Dischem or Clicks or Pharma value or any other pharmacy.
Pharmacies in South Africa are STOPPED from dispensing abortion pills. Going to Clicks or Dischem looking for abortion pills will NOT work.
So do embarrass yourself and go there looking for abortion pills. It is waste of your valuable time.
If you are looking for abortion pills contact this number by WhatsApp +27 61 067 8310 and you will be pointed to where you will get help.
How can I Get Rid Off a Pregnancy without My Parents Knowing?
- You have to do it as early as possible. It must be done within the first weeks of knowing you are pregnant.
- The cheapest way to do this is to use abortion pills. Abortion pills if used properly they are very effective and the whole thing can be done privately and secretively.
- Do not try anything other than abortion pills. Home remedies with either not work and therefore you remain pregnant or if you go crude you will injure yourself and this will make your parents know. DO NOT TRY HOME REMEDIES.
- Contact us by WhatsApp on +27 61 067 8310. Let us see how best to help you.
You can get an abortion pill at any age. If you are pregnant, then you can get the pill to terminate a pregnancy. There is no age limit. If you do not get help then you will get a baby.
How Much is Abortion?
The is no uniform price for abortion because the methods of abortion different. Abortion with a pill is cheap and surgical is expensive.
The duration of your pregnancy determines what you will pay. A person who is one month will not pay the same price like a person who is 5 months. The earlier you terminate the cheaper it will be for you.
Termination is a time sensitive decision and action. You have to decide and act early. At some point you will not even get help.
Can Morning after Pill cause a Miscarriage
No. Morning after pill is to stop you from getting pregnant after having unprotected sex. If you are already pregnant what will help you are termination pills. That is the fact. Do not waste time with morning after pills if you discover when you are pregnant.

Will Stametta help with Abortion?
Stametta is a herb that is not designed to terminate pregnancies. In many people it does not work. It is wasted time and effort.
Many women who terminate after 12 weeks start out trying things like Stametta and they fail. They then seek professional help.
In a few women Stametta works because it extremely bitter. The body is not tuned to deal with it. In such a situation there is uncontrolled bleeding. It is dangerous.
Do not use Stametta to end a pregnancy. Go for pills instead. They are safe, recommended and guaranteed.
Can Essence of Life Destroy a Pregnancy?
No. Essence of life can prepare you system for an abortion with a pill. But essence of life alone can never lead to an abortion. It will be wasted money and time.
Do not waste time with these kind of things. They just do not lead to abortion.
It is Abortion Pills that will help you with abortion.
Things like chamomile tea, also do not lead to abortion. The only sure thing that will lead to termination of pregnancy is Abortion pills. If you need them WhatsApp +27 61 067 8310.
Home Made Abortion | Abortion at Home
The only safe method of doing abortion at home is with a pill. DO NOT TRY OTHER THINGS. OTHER THINGS YOU HEAR FROM FRIENDS WILL KILL YOU.
It is only pills that do controlled termination of pregnancy at home.
Aspirin, coca cola and all other things will not help you terminate a pregnancy. Do not waste your time.
If you want to do abortion at home. Contact me and I will get you the pills and you will be perfectly safe – WhatsApp +27 61 067 8310.
Laxatives for Termination of Pregnancy
No laxative will help you terminate a pregnancy. It does not matter how far you are into your pregnancy, laxatives will not help you. You can be 1 week or 2 months, it will NOT happen.
You will only get diarrhea and it will end there. If you want to end a pregnancy use abortion pills. It is that simple.
WhatsApp +27 61 067 8310 if you want to abort and we shall advise you.
Can African Potato Terminate Pregnancy
No. It is a complete waste of your time. The only thing that terminates a pregnancy is an abortion pill.
Just do not waste time with these things. Get the abortion pill and you will save time.
Abortion pills are not expensive. Need Pills WhatsApp +27 61 067 8310 for assistance.

Can a Newspaper Terminate a Pregnancy?
No. These things will only succeed in making you sick. You will not achieve the objective to termination.
If you want to terminate then use a pill.
Are You Looking for Termination of an Unwanted Pregnancy?
For safe, guaranteed non-judgmental abortion we are the people to talk to.
Our service is quick. It based on care and empathy. We want you to get out of this issue as soon as possible.
It is also important to end the pregnancy professionally and remain healthy.
Contact us NOW. Details are below.
Do You Want to Terminate? Call or Email Now!
Email: or Call or Whatsapp: +27 61 067 8310